The CAGE (Combinatorics, Algebra, and Geometry) Seminar 2021-2022

The 2021-2022 CAGE seminar is co-organized by
Jonah Blasiak of Drexel University, Linda Chen of Swarthmore College, Marino Romero of Penn, Jim Haglund of Penn, Alexander Diaz-Lopez of Villanova University, Darij Grinberg of Drexel University, Liz Milićević of Haverford College, and Mark Skandera of Lehigh University.

Our seminar is back. We meet on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm at either UPenn (DRL 4C4) or Drexel (Korman 245).

Up-to-date information regarding the location and organization of the seminar will be sent out through the CAGE seminar mailing list the morning of the seminar. To be added to the list, email us at jhaglund "at" or darij.grinberg "at"

COVID-related instructions for visitors: Drexel and UPenn.

See the table below for our schedule for the 2021-2022 Academic year. (See also: Past CAGE Seminars.)

The 2021-2022 CAGE Seminar Schedule

Date         Time and place              Speaker                                                   Title (click on title to see abstract)
11/11 3:30pm, Drexel GaYee Park (UMass Amherst) Naruse hook-length formula for linear extensions of mobile posets
11/18 3:30pm, Drexel Nadia Lafrenière (Dartmouth College) The spectrum of the random-to-below Markov chain
12/2 3:30pm, Drexel Jiayuan Wang (George Washington University) The Hurwitz action in complex reflection groups
12/9 3:30pm, Drexel Sarah Brauner (University of Minnesota) A Type B analog of the Whitehouse representation
12/16 3:30pm, Drexel Theo Douvropoulos (UMass Amherst) Recursions and proofs in Coxeter-Catalan combinatorics
2/24 3:30pm, Penn Mark Skandera (Lehigh University) Symmetric generating functions and permanents of totally nonnegative matrices
3/3 3:30pm, Penn Marino Romero (University of Pennsylvania) Polynomial rings, harmonics, and prinicpal evaluations
3/31 3:30pm, Penn Alessandro Iraci (UQAM) Tiered trees, Theta operators, Delta conjectures
4/7 3:30pm, Penn Jesse Selover (UMass Amherst) Convexity Properties for Chromatic Symmetric Functions
4/14 3:30pm, Drexel Travis Scrimshaw (Osaka Metropolitan University) Geometric Crystal Invariant Theory
4/19 (!) noon(!), Penn Isaiah Siegl (Drexel University) A noncommutative algebra for studying chromatic symmetric functions
4/21 3:30pm, Drexel Nantel Bergeron (York University) What more can we say about quasisymmetric functions?
4/28 3:30pm, Drexel (Randell 328A) Mike Zabrocki (York University) Plethysm and the algebra of uniform block permutations
4/29 FYI Classes end at Drexel (term A), Penn, Tri-co, Villanova
5/3 3:30pm, Drexel Andy Wilson (Kennesaw State) The combinatorics, algebra, and geometry of torus links
5/6 FYI Classes end at Lehigh