The CAGE (Combinatorics, Algebra, and Geometry) Seminar 2022-2023

The 2022-2023 CAGE seminar is co-organized by
Jonah Blasiak of Drexel University, Linda Chen of Swarthmore College, Marino Romero of Penn, Jim Haglund of Penn, Alexander Diaz-Lopez of Villanova University, Darij Grinberg of Drexel University, Liz Milićević of Haverford College, and Mark Skandera of Lehigh University.

Our seminar is back. We meet on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm at either UPenn (DRL 4C4) or Drexel (Korman 245).

Up-to-date information regarding the location and organization of the seminar will be sent out through the CAGE seminar mailing list the morning of the seminar. To be added to the list, email us at jhaglund "at" or darij.grinberg "at"

See the table below for our schedule for the 2022-2023 Academic year. (See also: CAGE in 2021-2022; Past CAGE Seminars at the UPenn website.)

The 2022-2023 CAGE Seminar Schedule

Date         Time and place              Speaker                                                   Title (click on title to see abstract)
10/13 3:30, Penn Daniel Soskin (Notre Dame) Determinantal inequalities for totally positive matrices
10/18 (!) 3:30, Penn, DRL 4C8 Fan Wei (Princeton) Graph limits and graph homomorphism density inequalities
10/19 (!) 3:00 (!), Drexel Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell University) Lie theory relative to a hyperplane arrangement
10/27 3:30, Drexel Tianyuan Xu (Haverford) 2-roots for simply laced Weyl groups
11/3 3:30, Drexel Mark Skandera (Lehigh) Combinatorial evaluation of hyperoctahedral group characters
11/10 3:30, UPenn Raymond Chou (UC Davis) A Descent Basis for the Garsia-Procesi Module
11/17 3:30, Drexel Jessica Striker (NDSU) P-strict promotion and Q-partition rowmotion
11/24 (FYI) Thanksgiving
12/1 3:30, Drexel Matteo Parisi (IAS and Harvard CMSA) From Polytopes to Grassmannians: the Hypersimplex VS the Amplituhedron
12/8 3:30, Drexel Holden Eriksson (Drexel) The Arrow Algebra and the Stanley-Stembridge Conjecture
2/2 3:30, Drexel Joel Brewster Lewis (GWU) Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups
2/23 3:30, Drexel Mark Skandera (Lehigh) Chromatic symmetric functions
3/2 3:30, Drexel Jianping Pan (NCSU) K-Kohnert rule for Lascoux polynomials and connection to Castelnuovo–Mumford polynomials
3/16 3:30, Drexel Swee Hong Chan (Rutgers) Combinatorial Atlas for Log-concave Inequalities
4/6 3:30, Drexel Petra Schwer (Univ. Magdeburg) Reflection length in Coxeter groups
4/13 3:30, Drexel Mahir Bilen Can (Tulane) Generalizing the Wilf Conjecture via Unipotent Algebraic Groups
9/24 (!) 3:30, UPenn Alan Sokal (University College London) Coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity in enumerative combinatorics