Date |
Time and place |
Speaker |
Title (click on title to see abstract) |
10/13 |
3:30, Penn |
Daniel Soskin (Notre Dame) |
Determinantal inequalities for totally positive matrices |
10/18 (!) |
3:30, Penn, DRL 4C8 |
Fan Wei (Princeton) |
Graph limits and graph homomorphism density inequalities |
10/19 (!) |
3:00 (!), Drexel |
Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell University) |
Lie theory relative to a hyperplane arrangement |
10/27 |
3:30, Drexel |
Tianyuan Xu (Haverford) |
2-roots for simply laced Weyl groups |
11/3 |
3:30, Drexel |
Mark Skandera (Lehigh) |
Combinatorial evaluation of hyperoctahedral group characters |
11/10 |
3:30, UPenn |
Raymond Chou (UC Davis) |
A Descent Basis for the Garsia-Procesi Module |
11/17 |
3:30, Drexel |
Jessica Striker (NDSU) |
P-strict promotion and Q-partition rowmotion |
11/24 |
(FYI) |
Thanksgiving |
12/1 |
3:30, Drexel |
Matteo Parisi (IAS and Harvard CMSA) |
From Polytopes to Grassmannians: the Hypersimplex VS the Amplituhedron |
12/8 |
3:30, Drexel |
Holden Eriksson (Drexel) |
The Arrow Algebra and the Stanley-Stembridge Conjecture |
2/2 |
3:30, Drexel |
Joel Brewster Lewis (GWU) |
Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups |
2/23 |
3:30, Drexel |
Mark Skandera (Lehigh) |
Chromatic symmetric functions |
3/2 |
3:30, Drexel |
Jianping Pan (NCSU) |
K-Kohnert rule for Lascoux polynomials and connection to Castelnuovo–Mumford polynomials |
3/16 |
3:30, Drexel |
Swee Hong Chan (Rutgers) |
Combinatorial Atlas for Log-concave Inequalities |
4/6 |
3:30, Drexel |
Petra Schwer (Univ. Magdeburg) |
Reflection length in Coxeter groups |
4/13 |
3:30, Drexel |
Mahir Bilen Can (Tulane) |
Generalizing the Wilf Conjecture via Unipotent Algebraic Groups |
9/24 (!) |
3:30, UPenn |
Alan Sokal (University College London) |
Coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity in enumerative combinatorics |