The CAGE (Combinatorics, Algebra, and Geometry) Seminar 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 CAGE seminar is co-organized by
Jonah Blasiak of Drexel University, Linda Chen of Swarthmore College, Jim Haglund of Penn, Alexander Diaz-Lopez of Villanova University, Darij Grinberg of Drexel University, Liz Milićević of Haverford College, and Mark Skandera of Lehigh University.

Our seminar is back. We meet on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 pm at either UPenn (usually, but not always, in DRL 4C4 -- note the new room!) or Drexel (Korman 245).

Up-to-date information regarding the location and organization of the seminar will be sent out through the CAGE seminar mailing list the morning of the seminar. To be added to the list, email us at jhaglund "at" or darij.grinberg "at"

See the table below for our schedule for the 2023-2024 Academic year. (See also: CAGE in 2022-2023; CAGE in 2021-2022; Past CAGE Seminars at the UPenn website.)

The 2023-2024 CAGE Seminar Schedule

Date         Time and place              Speaker                                                   Title (click on title to see abstract)
9/21 3:30, Drexel Spencer Daugherty (NCSU) Schur-like bases of NSym and QSym
10/3 3:00 (!), Drexel Cyril Banderier (CNRS/Univ. Sorbonne Paris Nord) [Drexel Mathematics Colloquium] Analytic combinatorics : a survey
10/5 3:30, UPenn Pratekk Vishwakarma, Univ. Regina Inequalities for totally nonnegative matrices: Gantmacher--Krein, Karlin, and Laplace
10/19 3:30, Drexel Mark Skandera (Lehigh) Type-BC analogs of codominant permutations and unit interval orders
10/26 3:30, Drexel Jonathan Boretsky (Harvard) The Totally Nonnegative Tropical Flag Variety
11/9 3:30, Drexel Sahana Balasubramanya (Lafayette) Property (NL) for group actions on hyperbolic spaces
11/16 3:30, Drexel Michael Gekhtman (Notre Dame) Twisted Factorizations and Multiple Cluster Structures in Simple Lie Groups
11/23 --- (Thanksgiving)
11/30 3:30, Drexel Jiayuan Wang (Lehigh) LLT polynomials and Hecke algebra traces
12/1--2 Richmond, VA MAAGC 2023 MAAGC (Mid-Atlantic Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics) Workshop 2023
2/22 3:30, Penn Sarah K. Mason (Wake Forest) A combinatorial interpretation of the noncommutative inverse Kostka matrix
3/14 3:30, Drexel Tianyi Yu (UCSD) Analogue of Fomin-Stanley algebra on bumpless pipedreams
4/4 3:30, Drexel Cristian Lenart (Univ. Albany) From representations of affine algebras to the quantum K-theory of flag manifolds and combinatorics
4/11 3:30, Drexel Ga Yee Park (UQAM) Generalized parking function and three-dimensional Lindström--Gessel--Viennot Lemma
4/25 3:30, Drexel Richard M. Green (Univ. Colorado Boulder) Orthogonal roots and Macdonald representations
5/2 3:30, ??? TBA TBA
5/9 3:30, Drexel Angela Hicks (Lehigh Univ.) Quasisymmetric Compatible Sn-modules
5/16 3:30, UPenn Carl Lian (Tufts Univ.) Counting curves on Pr, degenerations of torus orbits, and beyond
5/23 3:30, ??? TBA TBA
5/30 3:30, ??? TBA TBA
6/6 3:30, ??? TBA TBA